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How to Save a Marriage: Where to Start   

First off, when you've reached the point of actually searching for information on how to save a marriage, you're probably feeling pretty lost, desperate, scared and alone. Let me assure you, you're not alone!

More than half of all marriages end in divorce. That's a sad, depressing and very unnecessary statistic.

There really are ways to reconnect to your partner. To fall in love all over again. Remember how it was in the beginning? That passion can be rekindled.

Many of us have been where you're at. We've felt that hopeless feeling. Then we reached out for information on how to save a marriage and advice from those who've been there, and we pulled ourselves out of that depressing hole.

You need to sit down and formulate a plan to save your marriage. To reclaim your future and your happiness. And you need to take real, positive action.

And no, it doesn't matter what's been done or what's been said. You can save a marriage no matter how much damage has been done. You can even begin to take concrete steps to save your marriage even if your partner isn't yet motivated to do so.

Saving a marriage is very hard work and it takes time. You need that time to rebuild the love and trust that you've lost. You need to create new, happy memories together. You need to reduce the tension, have fun and laugh with each other again.

So, here we go with some step-by-step advice on how to save a marriage:
Step one is to change how you respond when communicating with your partner. Don't fall back into the trap of fighting. Be positive, if they're looking to fight, separate yourself from them until they calm down.

Fighting is a two-way street, it takes two to tango. Change your responses and eventually they will be forced to change their approach to a more positive one as well. To save your marriage, you will have to break the negative patterns.

After the tension has calmed down, step two is to give them a gift, "just because I love you". Choose a gift that will remind your partner of your earlier, happier days together. See how we're connecting the happy past with the present?

Step three is to start dating again. Have a date night once a week, no matter what. You need this time together to reconnect to the feelings you both had when you first fell in love.
Step four on how to save a marriage is a biggie: go away together on a romantic vacation. Just the two of you. Even if just for a weekend. Don't fill this time with a lot of expectations, just have fun together!

There you go, how to save a marriage, from someone who's been there. You've got some work to do, huh? But those of us that have been through it, and rebuilt our marriages, know that it's well worth it to feel that love and closeness with your sweetie again!

by Mary Goodwin

Will "7 Days of Sex" Fix Your Marriage?

You've got to admit that "7 Days of Sex" is a titillating prescription for fixing your marriage. That's why it's also the title of the latest reality show on Lifetime.

But, having sex for 7 straight days is about as close to marriage therapy as reality TV is to reality.

Though Lifetime says this is something completely different, the idea of sexathons for a quality marriage has been making the rounds in some church circles for several years now. The thinking there is to emphasize some of the fun and thrills of the committed relationship. Lifetime's thinking, apparently, is that lots of hot sex can make bad relationships better. Well, as they say, it couldn't hurt.

Research tells us that relationship success is all about the MATH... the ratio of positive sentiment to negative sentiment. In layman's terms, what you like has to be five times greater than what you dislike for you to be able to say you're in a satisfying relationship.
If you do the math of "7 Days of Sex" you can see that it's entirely possible to up the percentages on likes versus dislikes in your marriage.

That's because sex can really up the P-A-S-S-I-O-N in a marriage.

P layfulness, A ppreciation, S ensuality, S haring, I ntimacy, O xytocin (and vassopressin) the "attachment hormones" and N urturing.

Sex can make you feel great and connected -- which is why you have so much more of it when you first fall in love. It's nature's way of getting you hooked on each other. And it really works, doesn't it!

But, can sex alone keep you hooked?

Again, it couldn't hurt. But, sex alone really has little impact on negative feelings, which are the source of relationship distress.

If you have a poor connection with your partner -- if you feel misunderstood, neglected, devalued or unsupported -- having lots of sex is more than likely going to lead to lots of bad sex... and more negative feelings.

If couples really want to deal with their marital distress, they have to the things they need to do to feel confident that:
·         they can depend on one another
·         they can mange their differences effectively
·         they can work as a team synergistically

A successful relationship -- one that is deep, strong and resilient -- isn't something that just happens. It is something you create. You need to be accessible and responsive to one another emotionally, not just sexually. THAT is the key to deepening your understanding of each other, strengthening your bond, and working together more collaboratively.

Emotional accessibility and responsiveness requires emotional intelligence - the ability to recognize your own emotions, to reveal your true self, to respond empathically to your partner's needs, and to repair break downs and damage.

Repairing your relationship with "7 days of sex" is like putting a fresh coat of paint on a termite-infested house. It may look and feel pleasing for awhile. But in the end, if you don't call an exterminator, the house will eventually crumble.

By Rhonda Audia 
(Article Source:

Women: The 8 Things You Have to Know About Men

Calling all women! The following is imperative for women to read. The following information will change your life. You will know how to make any man fall desperately in love with you. Have a relationship with your husband that you did not even think existed. Get the man of your dreams, easily by simply learning 8 things you did not know about men. Does that all sound too good to be true? It isn't. The only thing you must do for these techniques to work is to use them.
Drive your husband wild, get your ex back, get any man you desire and keep him infatuated by learning these 8 things about men:
1. They need respect from you. Your man needs to feel respected. We are always being told by professionals how we must respect our spouse and demand the same; exactly how do we show our man respect? It is actually pretty simple. Do not talk bad about your man to anyone, most importantly his children. Never criticize him in front of anyone. Tell him what it is you love so much about him every day.
2. They are insecure. As much as men brag and talk about how they do everything better than everyone it is hard to believe but deep down men are really unsure of themselves. They may be insecure about their looks, too afraid to ask for a promotion they deserve, and even insecure about your relationship. By following these techniques you can help them get over the insecurity.
3. They need us to initiate sex a lot more than we do. Your husband needs to know that you desire him. If he is always the one to initiate sex he will feel as though you only do it because you feel like you have to have sex with him. He'll start feeling like it is pity sex. This is not healthy for him or your relationship in any way.
4. They want you to look good. I do not mean your husband wants you to have cosmetic work and loose 50 pounds. He already loves the way you look and only needs you to put on some nice (sexy) clothes and make up, and fix your hair. Adding jewelry, perfume he likes, and shaving will make him appreciate you even more.
5. They love long hair. If you do not have long hair, buy a wig and surprise him when he comes to bed. Make sure to put on something sexy too, or better yet wear nothing.
6. They are going to look at other women. Men are genetically incapable of not looking at a pretty woman walking past. They just like to look, that is it. Look with him, he will love it. Point the hot women out to him. This will have checking you out more than anyone else.
7. They need their wives to know that they really love them. Make sure your man knows that you absolutely understand how deep his feelings are for you. He has to know that you feel loved.
8. They need to know you are proud of them. Men are programmed to protect and support their families. It is important for you to tell your husband how proud you are to be his wife.
Learn these simple 8 things men wished women knew, and your relationship will only get better.
 By Shonda Kellams (Article Source:

Common Reasons for Marriage Counseling

Maintaining a happy and healthy relationship can be hard work, and if it's lacking the proper balance it can affect both partners in a negative way. By using a technique known as Gottman's therapy, couples can seek a therapist that will give them a better shot at repairing any damage in their relationship.

 Certain areas of any marriage can create unneeded pressure and stress, but by identifying the couple's issues with what is known as Gottman's Perpetual Problems, you can begin to better understand what has been holding you back from complete happiness with your partner.

How Gottman's Perpetual Problems Relate To You
Gottman's Perpetual Problems are issues that may reappear over and over throughout the years during your relationship. Usually going unresolved, Gottman's Perpetual Problems are issues that can arise and haunt a relationship, usually due to each individual's personalities and traits. If there's a strong disagreement in any area of your lives, from something as serious as wanting a family, to as minor as cleaning the house, the problem may escalate over time if nothing is ever done to resolve it or reach a compromise.

Friendship Can Repair Your Dwindling Romance
One of the most valued traits in a successful marriage is a solid friendship, instead of feelings based solely on sex. When you're friends as well as lovers, you can get to know each other on a whole different level, and by opening up these avenues it will prevent your relationship from growing stale or boring. If you start to drift apart from the person who should be closest to you, you may begin to miss out on any changes that are occurring with them throughout the relationship.

Once this happens it can leave you feeling lost, like your drifting apart from each other, with both partners not really understanding why this has happened.

In order to stay on the same page, you should include each other in some of your daily activities, which can bring your relationship closer over time. Without an open line of communication that is created through a solid and trusting friendship, you may never fully open up to your partner. If you're holding back on your truest feelings and desires you will both suffer in the long run when your needs are not being met.

Positive Energy Attracts Positive Results
A great way to enforce positive energy into your relationship is by appreciating both the little and big things your partner does for you. By using compliments, instead of insults, you can attract your partner into your life instead of closing them off. 

Little things are often overlooked by couples when they're feeling unhappy, and you may not even notice all the sweet things that are done for you each day by your loving partner. By letting someone know they are fully appreciated, it will encourage them to continue their positive behavior because in return it gives them back positive benefits as well.

Be Emotionally Available For Your Spouse
To prevent worries or fighting over fears and commitment issues, always be emotionally available when your partner is in need of you. If you turn a cold shoulder, or act like something isn't bothering you when it really is, your partner may be afraid to open up to you, and could start seeking outside sources for solace. By allowing yourself to be emotionally available, you can also create a safe haven for the two of you, so any issues can be discussed without them escalating into a fight. If emotions are sorted out early on, there will not be a build up of regret, anger, or resentment holding you back from a successful relationship that has the ability to move forward.

Everyone Desires Mutual Respect And Loyalty Throughout Their Marriage
Honor and respect are often overlooked in couples, especially when they have hidden anger or pain built up towards each other. When you make it a known fact that your partner deserves the utmost respect from you, they will look up to you and respond positively towards it. 

When a partner doesn't care about how the other feels, or how their decisions are affecting them, they are breaking any honor and respect they have by knowingly trampling on their partner's feelings. By building these traits you can share any decisions mutually, instead of one person always being in charge of everything.

Be Open About Your Dreams And Desires
If you feel stuck in your current situation, you may be holding back your true dreams and desires from your partner. If they don't know how much certain activities, hobbies, or your work mean to you, then they cannot help you when it comes to achieving your future goals. Sometimes it's easier to blame your problems on your partner, when really your lack of communication is causing the deterioration of the relationship. If you share your goals, they can become both of yours, which will allow your partner to take steps in helping you succeed. Then you can reciprocate the favor, by helping them with their life long goals or aspirations.

The True Meaning Of Family And Unconditional Love
When your relationship has a deep foundation and meaning behind it, and you know that you're in it for the long haul, you can create a family that has its own unique rituals and practices. By taking the negatives out of your marriage, and replacing them with these positive attributes, you can repair your relationship and bring back a sense of normalcy to your every day life. 

Finding the right marriage counselor can help define the future of your relationship, by encouraging positive changes to better you each individually and as a couple.
If you and your spouse are constantly fighting with each other, or have simply grown apart, don't give up on the relationship. The Gottman Method for Couples Therapy can transform troubled marriages into strong marriages.

By Jennifer Sneeden (Article Source:


Save My Marriage Today - Can Divorce Really Solve Marriage Problems?

Is your marriage in danger? Have you asked yourself, "How to save my marriage today?"

It can be painful and the most difficult task in your life, when it comes to the point that you have to try to save your marriage. An interesting set of data shows that the couples who solve marriage problems not only resolve their issues, but also end up being in much happier life than ever.

 If your marriage is feeling rough, and you're considering about divorce, try alternate solution for help instead, such as marriage counseling or some kind of open communication with your spouse and family. But no matter what you do, don't choose divorce as your option, because doing that will completely change the rules of the game.

Most of the time, for those couples who decide not to think about divorce as an option, the only option left behind is to deal with the problems they experienced in the marriage. This is actually a powerful tactic that will lead to recognition of their marriage problems the couples face, and probably show the way to solutions.

On the other hand, those who do consider divorce might have the "out of the marriage" mindset and try to avoid addressing their marriage issue. As the relationship gets worse, the "out of marriage" thinking can become more and more appealing.

While a couple in a marriage are insistently looking for a solution to their marriage problem, and both understand that divorce is not - and won't be - an alternative, a solution will almost without a doubt be found. You and your spouse will ask each other what you can do to make things work, instead of asking if it's worth doing it.

It is true that finding a way to save your marriage may seem to be a very difficult task, but considering the long-term impacts of divorce on your family, your life and finance, committing to solving problems through the pain and communicating your way towards a solution seems much smarter!

Well, if you think divorce is your only way out.  Think again!  It is never the last part of your problems. In some cases, it's only the opening of a new problem. If you are seriously seeking for a solution that not only helps to save your marriage, but also promotes a happier and more stable marriage relationship, make sure you check out Save My Marriage Today Tips!

By Hope Lin (Article Source:

How to Save a Marriage After An Affair   

If you find yourself wondering how to save a marriage after having an affair and questioning whether it is even possible to move on with a stable relationship once your spouse finds out, you are right where thousands of other people find themselves today as well. Affairs don't have to be the end to every relationship, but in order to move past it you have to first be honest with your spouse about what you have done. Yes, it's going o hurt them when they find out this news, but it will be better for them coming from you than finding it out some other way.

If you really want to know how to save a marriage under these circumstances, you will need to spend some time honestly reflecting upon your reasons for having the affair to begin with. Your spouse is going to ask you why it happened and you need to have some insightful answers if you want to restore the relationship. This is information that only you can really provide, but which will become central to how you strengthen the relationship for the future.

For anyone trying to figure out how to save a marriage after an affair, honesty is going to be a huge ticket to success. You have to be completely open and honest with your spouse and answer all of their questions, no matter how painful the answers are for you both. If you can't honestly and thoroughly discuss why the affair happened, you have less chance of discovering the root issues that need to be resolved in the relationship.

Another key to learning how to save a marriage after an affair is to carefully select the time and place that you deliver the news to your spouse. Make sure no one else is around and you have plenty of time on your hands. This will give your spouse the privacy they need to have their emotional reaction to the news, ask questions, and deal with the shock that is bound to set in at first. They will have lots of emotional reactions in the days and weeks to come, but make sure you give them privacy and time when you first deliver the news.

Remember, if you want to know how to save a marriage you have to step up to the plate and take all the responsibility for your actions. You can't try to underestimate the importance of the affair or blame your spouse for your actions. You have to own what you have done, accept the consequences, and express with all honestly how you feel at this point to your spouse.

The hardest part of learning how to save a marriage in this type of situation is being there for them while they go through the painful emotions. You will need to accept if they pull away from you emotionally or even if they decide they want to be completely away from you for awhile. You can't fight against these things. You have to give them what they need and try to support them even if you are hurting as well. Understanding where they are coming from and trying to help them deal with the pain and anger is difficult since you caused it, but it is essential if you want to restore your marriage to happier times.

You can learn how to save a marriage and continue on into old age with your current spouse. Many marriages do break up after an affair, but in many cases that is because someone gave up too soon. Don't give up! Keep going through the process with your spouse and chances are you will be able to restore the relationship.

by Jack Leavitt
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How To Save a Marriage in Crisis - Save Your Marriage Today!   

Our marriage is not the way it used to be. It started out great but is now suffering. What happened? Everything seemed so great at first. You need to know how to save a marriage in crisis. You can save your marriage today.

Currently, the divorce rate in the United States is set at roughly 50 percent. It seems that many people are getting married only to get divorced not even 5 years later. Some couples are able to make it to 10 or even 20 years but then something just happens...

The fighting starts. Small disagreements turn into week long arguments. Grudges are held even though each party in the marriage vowed to never hold a grudge. Arguments lead to each one of you not talking to one another. Finally, a divorce is pending. You know that a divorce will occur unless some changes are made. You know that you need to take action in order to save your marriage. In the end, your child is left wondering which parent to believe.

Is it mom's fault or dad's fault? How do you explain to your child how to save a marriage in crisis? What can you do to save your marriage today?

You need to take action BEFORE the divorce occurs. Once this happens there is no turning back. It is better to save your marriage than to have to go through a divorce. After all, you were married in the first place and were happy at one point in your life. It is time to get this magic back. It is time to rekindle what you once had. I invite you to read below as to what you can do to get things back on track. You owe it to yourself.

by Michelle Walker
Article Source: ( Today/1582142/)

Are You Complacent And Ignoring These Common Signs of Marriage Problems?

All couples go through difficult times, when outside pressures just get the better of them and things start to go badly at home, and they aren’t necessarily signs of problems in the marriage. Financial stresses, family pressures, crazy schedules and career obligations can all cause strain on any relationship. So how can you tell if these problems are typical, or indeed are early warning signals of marriage problems that might be cause for concern?

Let’s look at these common signs of marriage and relationship issues:

a) Complacency
Many marriage counselors agree that one of the first warning signs of potential problems in a marriage is complacency. Taking each other for granted, neglecting to spend time together, or forgetting to say “I love you”? can all be signs of marriage problems that can lead to a much larger crisis.

b) Decreased physical intimacy
If your previously passionate love life has taken a turn for the worse, this could be another sign of a marriage problem. Of course, life events like having children, moving, changing jobs, or medical problems call all take it’s toll on a couple’s sex drive, and doesn’t necessary equate to marriage problems. However, if the trend continues for more than a couple of months, it could mean a sign of a marriage problem that needs to be addressed.

c) Avoiding conflict
In an effort to avoid a fight, some partners will avoid conflict altogether. While this may seem like a healthy reaction, in reality it only causes the underlying problem to fester. It can also lead to an explosion of bottled emotion once it finally comes out. Avoiding potential issues can be a signal of problems in a marriage.

d) Need to win
When one partner feels that they need to win every argument, you have a sure sign of a marriage issue or marriage problem. Marriage is a partnership, and requires teamwork. There should be no winning and losing in a marriage, only cooperation and working toward shared goals. If you aren’t doing this, you may be showing signs of problems in your marriage.

e) Considering an affair
If one or both of you are considering, even half-heartedly, having an affair, you are showing signs of problems in your marriage. Have an honest discussion with your partner about what is missing in your relationship, and work out some ways to rekindle the romance and stop signs of marriage trouble before they start. The long-term damage to your relationship caused by an extra-marital affair can be devastating. So think long and hard before you go down that road.

f) Separate vacations, separate lives
If you find you and your spouse making plans without each other, whether it’s separate vacations, hobbies that keep you occupied outside the house, or even separate bank accounts, you might be exhibiting signs of marriage issues or problems. It shows you could be drifting apart without both parties realizing. Remember that you are a couple, and that comes first, and you can nip these signs of marriage problems in the bud.

by Brandon Hong 
article source  (

How To Get The Most Out Of Marriage Counseling

Life is not a bed of roses and, sometimes, neither is marriage. After the flowers and chocolates of the courtship days, the “I love you’s” of the engagement and the “I do’s and till death do us part’ in marriage, the reality of a relationship begins. The light of the romance and passion have started to flicker and the illusions of living happily ever after fade away.

I only heard about this illusion coming into real life in fairy tales and authors have already earned on that. Reality is back and it is the start of a much more complicated and many see it as a boring married life.

This is where small, slightly bigger and extreme conflicts began due to differences in personality of both people once in love. Not saying that they are not. After all, they have to be congratulated even more once they felt that the after effect of romance started to fade, this is where love can be seen and measured because love is more than just a feeling but rather it is a decision. It is easy to say you love someone once the feeling is high. But if the feeling is no longer there, you decide to love.

There is lot of help being offered right now by agencies on how to save marriages especially if conflicts are new and can easily be repaired. Marriage and Family Counseling for example is gaining popularity among married couples seeking help for resolutions in their problems such as:

- infidelity
- loss of family member
- communication problems
- balancing the demands of home and work
- childhood traumas
- family violence
- substance abuse
- step-parenting problems
- school problems
- conflicts in remarriage families

The most common misconception is that counseling is only for families that encounter difficulties but counseling can also be a way to enhance relationships within the families. You can go to counselor and ask him to give you some suggestion on how to learn effective communication skills, assertiveness, conflict resolution and time management.

You can find Marriage and Family Counseling services being offered in different settings like community mental health agencies, hospitals, managed care organizations, houses of worship, employee assistance programs and independent practice. They offer a wide array of services such as:

- crisis management
- prevention programs and parent education programs
- assessment and diagnosis
- individual couples and family counseling
- multi-couple or multi-family counselor

If you are inclined to get the services of a marriage and family counselor, be sure that you get the most value for your time and money. Every couple spends at least $95-$200 a session per week. This a whole lot of money combined if you intend to get an intensive marriage counseling that may last 3-6 months depending on how grave your situation is.

The best thing to do is know if your partner is willing to do this with you not because you force it out of him but because both of you want to make your marriage work. Never go to a counselor if one of you has already decided to call it quit.

Review the following steps below to guide you on your steps to planning your counseling right:

1. If you are on the lookout for a counselor, be sure to know where to find him. Ask for credible sources like your physician or married friends who are into counseling themselves. Get a referral.

2. Before meeting with your counselor, make a short phone call to his office and ask a few relevant questions for you. It is not always that you can talk to the counselor right ahead. But you also have to respect his policy. If his policies do not appeal to you, you can always scout for another.

3. If you are able to come up with a short list of names counselors from your referrals, take the consultation to a new level. It is time to pay each one a visit and ask them some relevant questions like background, experience and expertise. You will also be able to know if you feel comfortable with him and revealing personal information about your married life.

4. This initial consultation appointment will set the ground for the counselor and you and your husband as a couple. Ask your questions and try to feel the therapist’s style, orientation and personality.

5. Be an observer during the first meeting. Be intuned with your opinions and gut feel. Remember, this is a person whom you are supposed to trust. Establish that trust or look elsewhere for another counselor.

6. Always remember to ask your potential counselor with the question, “have you ever been into extensive personal therapy” instead. You would not like someone who preach and preach but cannot apply them into actions.

7. Always go with your husband to the scheduled appointment with your counselor to have an even playing ground.

8. Focus on learning about yourself during the counseling so that you can apply some changes to your behavior that sometimes you are no longer aware of.

9. If there are assignments given to you by the counselor, be committed by taking time and effort to do it and apply them to your behavior. Work this thing out.

10. Always jot down notes in your notebook about questions, issues you would like to discuss with your counselor. This will help you to get organized and focused on issues you wanted to resolve with your partner.

Follow these ten suggestions and never go wrong in your counseling. Try to keep your marriage strong amidst the swarm of divorce cases. Find solutions to issues that are just beginning and you will see how your marriage works miracles.

by Lee Dobbins
artivle source (

Practical Advice to Save Your Marriage For The Lost & Helpless

If you are looking for advice to save a marriage, there are many ways to find what you need. Many books talk about saving your marriage, and are authored by experts in the relationship field.

There are also many self-improvement classes offered in most cities across America that offer practical tips & advice to save a marriage and how to become happier in your relationship.
While experts don’t agree on every point, there are common grounds and similarities when it comes to marriage tips and advice that is being recommended.

Let’s look at some of these marriage tips and advice and hopefully, they can give you some encouragement and help in your marriage.

a) Learn to communicate with each other.
The best advice to those who want to save their marriage is to improve on one’s communication skills. Faulty communication is a major cause of divorce and separation. When you communicate more effectively with each other, you will see a decrease in misunderstandings, and an increase in intimacy.

b) Spending quality time together.
It’s not just the quantity, it’s also the quality. Many couples find themselves running in opposite directions all the time. Take the advice of experts to save your marriage and learn to spend time together.

As couples get older, the pressures of life can become overwhelming and just keeping up with each other’s schedule can be difficult. Some great advice to save a marriage is to schedule date nights, time for just the two of you, when you can unplug the phone, drop the kids off at Uncle Bob’s, and enjoy being together like you used to be. Sounds romantic doesn’t it?

c) Seek help from marriage counsellors.
If problems in your marriage become really tough, some good advice to save your marriage is to see a marriage counselor or couples therapist. Sometimes it seems overwhelming to work through problems yourselves, and a third person can put some perspective on the situation. A marriage counselor is trained to see patterns and offer solutions, and he or she can be a real source of advice to save a marriage, no matter what the issues are.

d) Seek the opinion or advice of a family member.
You can also ask a trusted friend or family member for advice to save a marriage. If your friend has a successful relationship, she can probably offer some of her own advice to save a marriage that has worked for her relationship. However, this can be a double edge sword, But consider the source when taking advice; not everyone has the same idea of a good relationship, and what works for them might be all wrong for the two of you.

Some additional advice to save a marriage is to focus on the positive. When your spouse makes you mad, get some perspective by acknowledging, even to yourself, all the things he or she does right. You might find that the action that angered you isnt’ really all that big of a deal, all things considered.

When it comes to advice to saving your marriage, there are many you can try. Depending on your situation and the issues present in your relationship, some of this save yourmarriage advice will work wonders. Try a few suggestions and see.

by Brandon Hong 

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